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Real Mother's Behind Laddubars

Mother's Behind Laddubar, inspired by real recipes

Real Mothers who inspired our recipes

Image of Mrs. Suman Dhamane aapli aaji smiling in Saari


  1. Mrs. Suman Dhamane, Aapli Aaji, a 70-year-old grandmother from Ahmednagar Maharashtra, rose to fame as YouTube star. Her traditional Indian and Maharashtrian recipes and spice expertise have benefited a million of viewers and subscribers. With over 140 homemade recipes, she earned the YouTube creator's award. Mama Nourish applauds her contribution for preserving India's culinary heritage. Link to her Youtube channel.

    Image of Mrs. Usha Shrotriya, Founder Director, EMPL, Mama Nourish
  2. Mrs. Usha Shrotriya (63), Founder Enterprising MAA Private Limited | Gondh Laddu | Dry-fruit Instant Energy| Wholesome Millet. Usha ji, a devoted cook and learner, mastered Gondh Laddus from her mother-in-law during her motherhood journey in 1985. In the early '90s, she embraced Kamarkas laddu, thanks to a Punjabi neighbor. She continues to share her treasure at places she calls home, Uttarakhand, Delhi, and Maharashtra, enriching many lives. Mama Nourish thanks her and millions other Grandmothers for preserving India's culinary heritage.

    Image of smiling Mrs. Saroj Madan lady behind kamarkas laddubar
  3. Mrs. Saroj Madan, 75, from Kashipur, Uttarakhand, cherishes her family's culinary traditions. She learned Kamarkas Laddu, from her mother-in-law native of Sindh region of undivided India. Her shared wisdom has been nourishing hundreds of families. Living in a loving Punjabi joint family, she continues to preserve India's culinary heritage. Mama Nourish salutes her and a million other grandmothers of India for preserving our culinary heritage.

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