Winter is here, and you start craving warm comfort foods, hot drinks, and cosy blankets. On top of it–with Christmas and New Year coming, it's impossible to resist some party feasts.
While it’s tempting to indulge, the colder months can make staying active and maintaining your weight a challenge since the season lethargy kicks in. But don’t worry! With a few mindful adjustments, you can shed those extra pounds and keep your fitness goals on track.
Here are some practical winter weight loss tips to keep you feeling your best:
1. Warm-Up with Healthy Soups and Herbal Drinks to Keep Hunger Away
You can swap calorie-laden ultra-processed food for a bowl of hot, healthy soup or a cup of green tea. The winter season is also the season of healthy root veggies like Carrots, turnips and beet–make them into soups.
Broth-based soups with vegetables and lean protein are filling and low in calories. Herbal infusions not only keep you warm but also boost your metabolism and curb hunger. For example, try ginger Lemon tea, the warming spice–ginger and lemon containing vitamin C, which is not only cosy but also boosts your immunity to ward off seasonal flu.
2. Exercise Indoors
With a sweeping cold, it may be impossible To do outdoor exercise, not to mention outdoors, you probably find it difficult to get out of bed–but some movement is a must to burn those extra calories. Try Indoor activities like yoga, pilates or other indoor exercises you are familiar with.
While the weather might discourage long outdoor activities, even a short walk in the sun can boost your mood and help burn calories, so try to take a stroll if possible.
4. Focus on Protein-Rich Foods
Winter weight loss diet should not be just about counting calories. Eating enough protein is a must to keep you full longer and helps maintain and build muscle mass.
Try lean meats, legumes, eggs and your favourite nuts. You can also have nutritious snack bars made with nuts and seeds which offer a balanced nutrition to beat hunger pangs with a mix of macro and micronutrients.
A warm bowl of dal, Kichdi or a boiled egg can be your winter comfort food.
5. Portion Control
Winter eating often means indulging in carb-heavy dishes due to a dip in energy level. Hence, it's natural to feel hungry, but the key is portion control. Enjoy your favourites in moderation and balance them with greens, fruits or side salads. Eat in small portions or reduce the plate size to trick your brain.
While you are eating at holiday parties, take it slow and give your brain some time to give the signal whether you are full or not.
6. Add Spices to Your Meals
In your winter weight loss plan, add spices like cinnamon, turmeric, ginger and pepper which not only add flavour but also boost metabolism and help burn fat. A dash of cinnamon in your oatmeal or turmeric in your soup can go a long way.
7. Avoid Refined Sugar
Winter festivities often come with an abundance of desserts. Opt for healthier alternatives like fruit salads or traditional homemade no refined-sugar treats. Try to celebrate thoughtfully by prioritizing health. The World Health Organization–WHO recommends limiting added sugar intake to less than 10% of total daily energy consumption, with further benefits if reduced to below 5%.
2. Stay Hydrated
Cold weather often makes us forget to drink water, but staying hydrated is key to weight loss. Dehydration is sometimes mistaken for hunger leading to unnecessary overeating. Herbal infusions and turmeric milk are all part of a traditional winter diet–sip on these healthy drinks or go for warm water to avoid dehydration related to hunger. Plus staying hydrated helps to burn fat.
8. Practice Healthy Office Snacking
Feeling drowsy on cold days is normal—and the go-to solution is often keeping high-sugar sweets or drinks. To Avoid this, pack healthy office snacks.
Plan what to snack on in advance, it will help you keep track of what you are eating and prevent overeating. Some healthy Office Snacks include nuts, nutritious snack bars, fruits and mini salads.
9. Prioritize Sleep
10. Set Realistic Goals
Winter is not the time for crash diets or extreme measures. Focus on gradual weight loss and easy to follow habits. Celebrate small victories–if you are making drastic changes in your diet it's always advisable to consult a healthcare professional.